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Long nails, missing pins, & foggy brass. After an incident up north, lieutenant Plover Capulong and nurse Yago Dimalanta must hike forests with shared dread for a glimpse of peace.

A Filipino psychological drama comic written & illustrated by Venz Rebadulla (venz228)

VOL 2 CONTENT WARNINGS abuse & violence, blood & gore, unsettling visuals
LANGUAGESEnglish (main), Tagalog (optional dialogue)
PUBLISHING DATESeptember 19, 2024

First volume:

Next volume:

VOL 3 [script in progress]

I'm sorry if I take long for the next volume! Condensing the entire arc within 200 pages has been insanely difficult. I plan to release VOL 3 along with an official promotional animation. I'm a one-person army and this is a very personal passion project so I will absolutely take my time with this. Sorry for a long delay and thank you for your patience!!
- Venz (Nov 7, 2024)

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(28 total ratings)
TagsAbstract, Atmospheric, Comics, drama, Experimental, Female Protagonist, psychological, Story Rich, Thriller, tragedy


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just finished both volumes, absolutely amazing. your art makes me want to draw. 

!!spoilers in this comment so don't read it until you're caught up!!

I like how Plover and Yago play off of each other, it is really interesting. Like how Plover is a human and wants* to be a monster, and Yago is a monster** that wants to be a human. Plover having a deep fear of authority figures and constantly being gravitated towards them as well as a deeply rooted inferiority complex because of them and how that makes her over-compensate with strength and anger, whereas Yago just wants to help people and see them improve. He's expected to toughen up, but actually he hates that "tough" side of himself and actively chooses to stay soft and kind. Comforting Plover even when she wouldn't comfort him back. I think her arc will be as Yago foresaw it, of joining the farm, his parents liking her. I think her sanity will improve and she'll soften up. I think when she's no longer backed into a corner and is given a safe spcae like that, she will improve. Which is to sau this isnt like her, it's how she's been conditioned to act. Poor Yago deserves better lol he's really giving her everything she has. She's so deeply brainwashed from abuse, she internalizes it. Unlike Yago who sees it as it is and wants to leave. He has the confidence to know when something external is bad, whereas Yago deeply internalizes it and convinces herself to work harder. They start off with her in survival mode and he just wants to live a happy life, but after meeting her they're both in fight or flight. It's interesting also how she views herself as weak and how she froze up and was unable to fight, a large part was her body freezing as a natural reaction but another part was she's been conditioned to not fight back from her crew, learned helplessness. Yago is the only one who can help her. The plot would be totally over without him. Her mentality of you either being "out" or "in" the crew is a really realistic depiction of a soldier. "One of us" or an outsider. Accepting someone from the outside's help while still considering herself as part of the crew, still mentally in the process of leaving them, is nearly impossible for her. Getting her the help that she needs is like pulling teeth. Her nervous system is totally shot. She doesn't allow herself to feel anything, to the point she can't label her feelings, and they all come pouring out in a scary way. She doesn't feel alive. Being frozen in terror on the verge of death is the only time she feels something. Otherwise she shuts down completely. Realllyyyy realistic soldier depiction.  I don't know anything personal about the creator, I only have seen your art, I don't know what you've gone through or what research you've done. But this feels really well researched! Reminds me of my fave book "the body keeps the score" by DR Van der kolk. Psychology book about trauma and therapy. Very heavy book and a large part of it deals with war PTSD.

And very quickly, regarding Plover, from the DSM-V for PTSD: 

-   Persistent negative emotional state (e.g., anger, shame).

-   Irritable behavior and angry outbursts (with little or no provocation), typically expressed as verbal or physical aggression toward people or objects.

-   Hypervigilance.

-   Exaggerated startle response

-   Persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs or expectations about oneself, others, or the world (e.g., “I am bad,” “No one can be trusted,” “The world is completely dangerous,” “My whole nervous system is permanently ruined”).

-   Feelings of detachment or estrangement from others.

Thank you for making this! 

Also bit random, but do the names Plover and Yago symbolize anything?

* (Conditioned to want, she's in an animalistic environment that expects her to toughen up and not show weakness. Poor thing has PTSD)

** (He is dual monster human. He hates that side of himself and only happens when it's forced out. Unlike Plover who is completely human and that animal side is always detached from her, either as a bird panel overlayed on her, or as a bird next to her. This is a creative liberty, she does not literally transform like Yago does.)

I'm hooked, can't wait for next chapter. Also is the artstyle inspired from pum pum? Idk, It gives me pumpum vibes

oyasumi punpun? i think so, because on venz's youtube one of her first videos was a punpun animation


This is my first actual review published on this site because this comic is so astoundingly good I couldn't not encourage more to read it. CPTSD and other forms of extended trauma (how im reading plover, as someone who has it) is a very difficult thing to depict accurately and with tact, but this comic absolutely does it,
while also providing a genuinely fascinating world AND relationship to be explored.

The art style is also genuinely one of the most interesting and gorgeous I've seen, especially for the tone of this story. The combination of relatively simple characters with dramatic, deep shading and what appear to be real life photos sprinkled in lend very well to the often disconcerting tone, especially when one of our main characters is having a Very Bad Time--I couldn't stop reading 'til I'd finished Vol2.

Truly I don't think I can express how much I love this comic, and I will be eagerly rereading as I patiently await Vol3. Amazing this is all being done by one person, even the music videos?!??!

The relationship that exists between Plover and Yago has a magic that draws me in to continue exploring it. I love the metaphor of the mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship between the crocodile and the plover, and the further spiritual connection between Plover and Yago is even more evident in this second installment.

At the same time the unique characterization completely captivated me; the huge impact of Plover's experiences on her personality and the temporary, indelible mental imprint gave the character a special appeal; and the brief aberrant behavior of a character like Yago, who is as kind and has a high moral code, when she is forced to kill someone, and the mental breakdown she goes through when she has to come to terms with the fact that she's done such a thing, perfectly fit my personal preference for the character. I was bowled over by the non-labeled characters and vivid portrayals.

The images of the work perfectly visualize the unseen conflicts and inner thoughts between the characters. I really like your style of painting, especially in the tension of the images and the expression of the characters.

Finally, thank you very much for your attention to readers who are unable to use the payment methods provided on the site. It's an honor to see such an excellent work!!


please understand the moment i finished the first one i bought the second one.
i bought the first one today


Yeah it was about time I picked up this legenedary comic.

Absolutely love the panelings and the flow of action in each page yummers


Similar words from Vol 1, but I adore the style, and the use of contrast, how visceral Plover's emotions feel here. Again, a really well written and made comic making good use of the medium, and the story itself is coming along so well so far.

This volume has a lot more worldbuilding that's really elegantly relayed, and little character moments that I really love.... great work!! get it!!!


Read through this today and !!! I’m obsessed!! Loved both volumes so much!! The art especially reallly adds to it. Something I especially enjoyed about this volume was what was done with the crane, finch(?), and foxes as all being symbols of something. One panel which especially stuck out to me was ‘you were granted the privilege to hunt birds and cross rivers by red fur and jet black paws’ and the accompanying text and artwork. It just felt like such an interesting take on the military and the ethos there, and Plover’s conflict with it really stuck out to me

Something worth noting too is how well the illustrations work to build suspense and really get you in there. I wanna say part of it is because of the black and white colour palette but just the general style and everything. The way the writing switches too and text can almost envelop whole panels too really adds to it.

 You did such a good job and I am very much obsessed with this


I was sitting on campus chatting with a friend when I was like "oh I remembered this video I saw on Instagram that had awesome unsettling animation and I wanted to show you!" and I found the video and let him watch a couple times - it was your circle circle dot dot anim. I was like "isn't this so spooky?? Apparently its an animation for their webcomic based on their own experiences!!!" and I was just mindblown. It stuck in my head. I dunno why! I was just instantly drawn to it!

Anyways instead of paying attention to the conversation I spent the next two hours finding the pdf on itch, buying it, and reading every little bit I could in that time. He'd ask me a question about what I was reading or what is was about and as I scrolled through Plover flipping her shit on every page I could only respond with "dude...." and I didn't actually know what to say because I was just so completely entranced by the comic. I'm sure he would have liked it if I could have actually told him what I was looking at that made me so put off but also enchanted at the same time, but I guess he'll just have to settle with reading the comic himself!!

Now it's midnight, and I was supposed to head to sleep by now, but I was too busy finishing volume 2 and looking it over again and again for anything I missed. I want to read so much more of this. I am gonna be thinking about it for days. I've never felt so strongly to comment on something before, but I just. Gah I had to say something. Thank you for the astonishing read, I hope you're doing better, and I will absolutely be here for vol 3 and more Yago "Hai :3"s <3333

Thank you so much for enjoying my comic and sharing it I'm sososo happy THANKYOU! 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️ Please do look forward to VOL 3! <3


This comic makes me feel rabid it's so good

I'm glad!! thank you for reading!!!

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It took me two hours to finish the second volume.

During that time I took a total of 24 screenshots of what I found interesting in the manga.While what came after that left me literally breathless with difficulty (simply because of the heaviness of the plot), I'm more than willing to leave this sequel with full praise.

This volume was so depressing that it caused all the plot insertions in between to seem minimal.More disturbing visuals, more intense feelings and conflicts, arguments.More new lore. the whole thing has been depressing to the point where the whole thing is depressing.But what I'm really trying to get at is that the manga is just so infectious, it's the kind of shock that you can't say anything about, you can't breathe.

I almost braced myself to finish it.All in all it's still a great piece of work's and now I totally understand why every update is so slow.It's totally worth every penny.Putting an interesting and exciting plot into a part of the story that didn't appear in the DEMO is smart as hell, but also in terms of the actual reading experience.Because if you don't do that some readers (like me, who has a distracted attention span and doesn't read often enough) can easily end their reading too early.I'm really looking forward to the back story.

As well as the RT Yago & Plover at the end of the manga is really cute and I hope to be lucky enough to see you draw more Chibi of them in the future 🥲


This is an addendum and also serves as a shout out to all the readers reading this:

It's been a while since I first posted a message, and it's been a really long time since I've been able to get my mind off of it (that's not an exaggeration I'm not kidding either).What caught me by surprise was that performance of the plover near the end of the full version, which lingered in my mind for a long time, and at the same time was one of those situations where I really panicked over it all together.It's hard for me to be so impressed with something static, but this comic actually did it incredibly well.

I have nothing else to say about it.If the initial review seems a little less than delightful, it's entirely because I'm still reeling from the depressing atmosphere of the manga.I hope that's understandable.I'm totally supportive and positive about this comic.

I'm glad you enjoyed my comic!!! Goodluck in recovering from the depressing atmosphere and look forward to even more emotionally heavy situations in the future volumes.🤭

Thank you for reading I'm very happy!!!!!!!!❤️❤️


Thank you very much for your creation of the work, I am a Chinese reader, because the payment received restrictions, so I applied for the right to receive, I will carefully read it before leaving a good comment!

Thanks for the support!!

Full marks!



THIS IS SO SO GOOd I’ll be thinking about this comic forever. Yago and Plover RAAAAGH I’m shaking them like chew toys. It’s the special kind of comic that had me running to find a sketchbook mid-chapter so I could scribble out their little agonized faces. If Crocodile Complex has a million fans I’m one of them if there’s none I’m dead etc. Holy guacamole 




This volume was amazing too!!! Great work, I love learning more about these characters, they feel so human and you managed to make everyone's interactions so interesting! The storytelling is also fantastic and I'm super excited to read more. Great job once again, you're very good at making comics :D

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!! <3 😭😭


THIS IS SO PEAK....I had to tell my brother all about it...I am so in love with your characters, compositioning, panelling and story-telling. AND EXPRESSIONS...God Crocodile Complex is actually so peak - I cannot stress this enough

(1 edit) (+1)

AHHHH IM SO GLAD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333











I LOVE CROCODILE COMPLEX SO MUCH! every single aspect of the story hits one of my favorite things to see explored in fiction. I love the setting, I love the characters, I love the art, I love the pacing, and did i mention that I LOVE THE CHARACTERS! 

plover and yago are INCREDIBLE characters and their mentally-ill, codependent, accidentally murderous, cross-country road trip drives me so insane. in the best way ever. The character drama just completely enthralls me, these 2 are going to keep me up at night I swear to god. Everything about this story is so visceral, the emotions jump out of the page and make every single moment something to remember. Plover's anger, Yago's guilt, and the fear shared between them is as painful as it is endlessly fascinating! I can't get enough of these two! The contrast of violence and tenderness in this story is heartwrenching, all conveyed through stunning artwork, and a masterclass of paneling.

If you are on the fence of buying Crocodile Complex, I implore you to DO IT!! it's the type of story that you will always come back to even long after you've read it.




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